Friday, July 20, 2012

IVF Egg Retrieval

So 28 eggs!!! Dr. G called around 3:30 and told me that 18 were mature and all 18 were fertilized using the ICSI process. This morning the embryologist called and said we have 10 embryos that are cleaving and progressing. She said they're going to keep watching the other 8 but for sure right now we have 10 good looking embabies. She said we should be very pleased with this number since we are dealing with severe male factor infertility. Which we are very happy with the 10 and pray that they keeping growing and stay healthy. We're looking at a 5 day transfer which would be on Tuesday morning.

Yesterday was a little rough as far as recovery. I took some pain medication at the hospital and they just didn't settle well. We had to pull over three times on our way home from Olathe (which is about 75 minutes away from Topeka). It didn't help that it was a million degrees out. I never thew up which is a miracle, I seriously don't know how I held it in. I knew I'd hurt so bad if I got sick so maybe it was a little mind over matter. I felt nauseous until around 8 pm. I have decided that I'd rather deal with the pain than take pain killers and feel sick all day. Good ol regular Tylenol will have to do.

I am feeling better today. I am going to bum around and watch some movies (ok, I'm planning on watching all of the Twilight movies...don't judge). I'm still pretty crampy and sore but that is to be expected. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be feeling like myself and get get out of the house. I think that's all for now, thank you soooo much for all of the love, support and prayers. Please keep our 10 embryos in your prayers too, we're hoping they all make it and we can freeze them (other than the ones we put in on Tuesday) for later use.


  1. Hope you are feeling better today sweetiepie!!

  2. Wow!! Those are great numbers! Sending good thoughts for those 10 embryos :) I hope you continue to feel better today.

  3. That's fantastic!! Sending prayers up for you both!!! Hope you feel better soon!

  4. So glad it went okay for you. Sending lots of good vibes and prayers for you!!!

  5. Yay, I was waiting for the fert report! Haha, those are great numbers! Wish I could cruise over with dinner and watch movies with ya. ::hug:: enjoy your relax time!

  6. praying for you, Josh, & embabies :) amazing just imagining the embryos cleaving and progressing...the beginning of life. love you dearly sister.

  7. Praise God! I know someone in my IF/Adoption Prayer group at church who has a son that was conceived via frozen egg (or embryo...can't recall), so it is a great plan for your 'future' babies. I am so happy for you! I wish I could be there too--I would so watch that Twilight marathon with you!
